
Current updates:
I'm a bloody vampire that people scared to crush down my walls

Isnin, Mei 27, 2013

SMK mengkarak-going there

Assalamualaikum..hi gengs
Time aq tulis entry ni aq tengah siap-siap nak check in hostel.yep,aq akan tinggal di asrama. Aq akan start bersekolah di sekolah menengah kebangsaan mengkarak. Gud luck for me.
Another pun tak sure wether aq stay kat mengkarak forever until graduate kea atau aq sambung belajar dekat akademi laut Alam. Aq memang berharap dapat belajar kat situ.even since aq baru form 3 to form4 aq dah semangat nak wat betul-betul spm ni and diterima masuk ke Alam.
You know,the problem is my dad didn’t feel like I would do good in there..dia kata kalau belajar dekat sana kena thougf..kena kuat mental dan fizikal. Beside,Alam ni pulak jauh dari rumah dan aku pulak seorang perempuan. Ayah aq tu kecoh sangat. Aq tahu la dia risau kan aq tapi fikir lah juga apa impian aq.
Ye,aq tahu Alam tu ramai lelaki perempuan sikit.thats the challenge. Korang semua mesti aware kat mana saja korang belajar mesti ada cabaran. So,kalau aq pun nak achive kejayaan aq mesti hadapi semua tu. Aq pun bdoa juga yang aq boleh bertahan dan ingat Allah selalu. Aq pun manusia biasa.kadang-kadang timbul gak idea-idea tak masuk dek akal. So,aq harap aq dapat buat pilihan yang terbaik. Wether Alam or form6….now,just let it flow..
Gengs,hidup kat asrama mesti adventure gak kan. Aq tak sabar ni nak masuk asrama..boleh gossip malam2 dengan kawan2 macam dulu-dulu. Time tu kan aq sekolah agama al khairiah..ecey,aq gossip pun tak ada lah melampau kay..jangan fikir negative sangat cik kak or cik abang oi! Aq masih lagi remaja yang suka buat kesilapan..oppss remaja yang terbuat kesilapan dalam hidup ni..

You know,umur yang banyak conflict dalam hidup aq adalah eighteen..ugh sweet 18..sweet la sangat..
Born day aq pun tak ramai yang ingat..kecik ati aq yang da sedia kecik sebab sebelah dah hilang..hahahahaha aq dah mula to go..bye2 for now..

Salam alaik..jangan nakal-nakal ye..[pesanan untuk kengkawan dan diri sendiri]

Jumaat, Mei 17, 2013

conflict in my 18th year


gengs,juat nak share perasaan aq yang kacau bilau..tak ada lah teruk mana pun..
aq tengah pening nak pilih ape..
its not about calon pakwe or suami okey..minta celik mata hati..dont make a conclusion by ur self..

ehemm,ni pasal tawaran sambung baru daftar form6 even dah kelewatan..feel gud bila urusan tu dah selesai separuh..sekarang ni aq dapat berita baik punye dan juga some disaster sebab aq perlu wat pilihan ..this is for my future..

penat gila siang tadi ke hulu ke hilir..take my sis n bro for outting ..dorang kan duduk hostel..adek aq jelah yang tak boleh balik.adik perempuan aq tu boleh balik..kitorang tawaf kedai sakan dengan tf tadi..cari barang..even aq pun nak tambah lagi barang untuk preparation.

hurm,when people tabur budi kita mesti akan rasa something bila perlu wat keputusan yang menghampakan orang, aq juga ada fikir pasal diri aq. keluarga aq juga..

i would choose form six over uitm that i hard with others sacrifices..i feel so sorry for them when i had to let them down..

and i also got Alam inteviu..i might be..hope so.. this 29hb..please pray for me.. i would remind my self to do a homework for that inteviu like my friends says..well,thanks to him. you're really help...

to break people feeling sure doesnt suit me..really,i mean really sorry for that group yg dah tolong aq masa inteviu arkitek dekat jengka haritu..

apa yang korang tak tahu,even pengarah uitm tu sendiri escort n hantar aq..then,i have to let their hope down to see me study there,...

there so much sorry
gome ne~


Hi friends!
I start writing this stuff by Microsoft word because I always get hang by ideas .so, here we go…
This story I named as Airport Boy.

                There’s  a time that you will meet people and left them. There’s also a time where you meet people and get stuck with them forever in your life. You must think I’m crazy if I say that I fall in love with stranger when I was only in six grades. Oh my childhood year. But , he is in the first category which is I met and lose forever. I was on school trip that time. It’s for only some student not every student can follow on this trip.
                Let’s just get to the important place. It’s an airport. A very big airport. How did I met him? Can you guess for a moment? Oh, you’re such bad in guessing thing. Now, stop cause I will tell you how it happen. It’s not a big deal. Now that I think this story is just silly. And for me to tell you must be a very stupid ideas.

        For a very long trip without a stop at any rest place and I was too shy to ask for out from the bus. Yeah, for nature calling. You can guess that. Your are so brilliant! Okey,forget about that ‘important thing’. Get back to the main issue. I and several student went to toilet as soon as we arrived at the airport. Hah,you know the toilet full and doesn’t have much cubicle or place, what ever you call that thing is. So, we line up for a turn. Why did they always use so much time doing that ‘thing’? the chaperons were already called us. The trip must get going soon. Then,its my turn. After I finished,I went out. There’s no one that I know at the outsides. They all had left me behind. I was so afraid. I walk fast from the toilet and searching with my eyes. That time, I’m not  wearing a spectacle because I’m not having an eye issue yet. Not until I was in high school on the first year.
                While searching my eyes caught a figure. Its him. He sit in the corner and I think he’s watching me. First, I just ignore and keep looking for my friend and school member. I can’t find them!  I think I’m gonna cry in any minute. I keep my tears and start walking, I keep looking. As what I remember,my eyes meet him more than two times. My feeling was dull and I never think that he will keep bother my mind until now. Every time I remember him,I would question my self. Is this a FATE? Why I keep hoping that I would meet him , again.
                The very stupid thing is, I walk away from that corridor and keep looking then I found them. All my school friends and teacher. Oh, why they leave me in the first place? Am I that invisible for them to not waited for me? Now a thing named shame takes my face. When I remember how lost I am that time and with some stranger stare at me. That was so disaster. A nightmare! And also, I never knew how does he looks like. Because that time my mind was busy searching and pull other things a side.
                Now I just want to say…… Where are you now AIRPORT BOY?Will we meet again in future? I just want to ask you some stupid question. One of them is….Why you keep bothering my Mind and sometimes MY HEART??

p/s: sorry for grammar or writing mistake.. 

Sabtu, Mei 04, 2013

Hati yang happy

assalamualaikum kawan2...

okey,see the entry up there ^  aq nak share berita gembira ni. haritu kan aq ada cakap yang files novel n manuskrip suma hilang lepas hantar lappy untuk format..guess what!aq baru je jumpa back up files..siyez aq cakap hari tu aq da belek n klik lappy ni banyak window tapi xjumpa satu pun fail penting aq,finally tetiba je aq terserempak dekat local disk E   i'am so glad dan teruja mase terjumpe secara tak sengaja backup file nak lompat je ni!hehe,so aq nk juga ucap an terimas dekat aliff uh sebab kasi nasihat hari tu dan menenang an,sort of..adalah sikit berfikiran rasional..well aq tak hempas pun lappy ni time uh..thats a good news right?okey,btw,,aq sekarang ni masih lagi menunggu tawaran U.haritu aq dahh pergi temuduga untuk uitm..will i be an architect?haha,malas dah aq nak mengarut kat sini..kay la,tataa sume~

yang benar lagi betul~
Nazirah si alam megah..heh!