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I'm a bloody vampire that people scared to crush down my walls

Isnin, Februari 16, 2015

My Mistake


Hasil carian imej untuk solemn

"How easy people fall for that"

I tricked them. Thats the reason why everything is not in proper manner.. I thought by lying could solve and lure them.. Well i was wrong.. As time past by, i would just hope they get my message.. I dont want to leave them like a bandit. As I swear to act as a Robinhood..It doesnt produce great outcome...

Lesson learn.. Matlamat tidak menghalalkan cara.. Be a robinhood kind of person would just blow people away from you. As i still crawl to learn how to walk..They also cheated me..Friends what people call this kind of creature..They usually dont last forever..Dont get your heart attach to much..And you shall not fall.. Unless you are willing to pull out the dagger out of your lung as they take your breath away..

+Maybe im not that kind of poem person..This bad writing comes from my soul...soul usually doesnt lie much..well it will if it must..

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