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I'm a bloody vampire that people scared to crush down my walls

Jumaat, Mei 17, 2013

conflict in my 18th year


gengs,juat nak share perasaan aq yang kacau bilau..tak ada lah teruk mana pun..
aq tengah pening nak pilih ape..
its not about calon pakwe or suami okey..minta celik mata hati..dont make a conclusion by ur self..

ehemm,ni pasal tawaran sambung baru daftar form6 even dah kelewatan..feel gud bila urusan tu dah selesai separuh..sekarang ni aq dapat berita baik punye dan juga some disaster sebab aq perlu wat pilihan ..this is for my future..

penat gila siang tadi ke hulu ke hilir..take my sis n bro for outting ..dorang kan duduk hostel..adek aq jelah yang tak boleh balik.adik perempuan aq tu boleh balik..kitorang tawaf kedai sakan dengan tf tadi..cari barang..even aq pun nak tambah lagi barang untuk preparation.

hurm,when people tabur budi kita mesti akan rasa something bila perlu wat keputusan yang menghampakan orang, aq juga ada fikir pasal diri aq. keluarga aq juga..

i would choose form six over uitm that i hard with others sacrifices..i feel so sorry for them when i had to let them down..

and i also got Alam inteviu..i might be..hope so.. this 29hb..please pray for me.. i would remind my self to do a homework for that inteviu like my friends says..well,thanks to him. you're really help...

to break people feeling sure doesnt suit me..really,i mean really sorry for that group yg dah tolong aq masa inteviu arkitek dekat jengka haritu..

apa yang korang tak tahu,even pengarah uitm tu sendiri escort n hantar aq..then,i have to let their hope down to see me study there,...

there so much sorry
gome ne~

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